Saturday, August 28, 2010

THE FIREFLIES performing!!

Hey guys..

I'm so proud to show you this. This is my group The Fireflies who is singing to a town festival in a city called Randers. This is one of the songs we sang.
It's a really cool song, and we really enjoy singing it. It is filmed by my manager and his iPhone ;)
From the left it is: Me (Henriette), Mathilde and Julia. Look how lucky I am to be in a group with two girls who sings so b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l!

I can also inform you that our album has realease in October 18!!!! So excited.
Most of the songs is produced på Carsten "Soulshock" Schack, who was our judge in The X Factor :) He does amazing stuff and has worked with hugh stars!! And now he is OUR producer. So cool!! You should check him out here on Wikipedia:

In next week I am going to Copenhagen to make a photoshoot with The Fireflies!

I hope you are enjoying your weekend - I am :)

Take Care and big hugs from me!


1 comment:

  1. Synd at de snakker mens i synger :(

    Er det en sang fra jeres kommende album? :)
